Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday at the Assembly

I have just returned from dinner with the Presbytery Cohort up on Mt. Washington or Mahnt Worshington, as my grandfather used to say, and he should have known- he was born up there. Its probably just as well that I was late and had to walk all the way from the convention center; the day made for some reservoirs of nervous energy.

Today was devoted to Committee work, which is like the mortar which holds the bricks and stones of the Assembly together. Of course, if you've ever seen my masonry work, you know that some people are better with mortar than are others; so, too it is with committee work.


I commend the leadership of Mid Council Committee Teaching Elder Larry Hayward and Ruling Elder Ariel Mink. They did a very good job helping us get comfortable with each other and with the process. Our Presbytery neighbor Carson Rhyne likewise did an excellent job as our parliamentarian, and the GA staff were helpful and accommodating. In particular, our moderator did his level best to keep us moving through the decision- making process. Nevertheless, I found myself frustrated early on, not with the direction of the debate, but rather with the clumsy use of parliamentary procedure - both by YAADS ( that's Young Adult Advisory Delegates, for those scoring at home) and by Elder Commissioners, at least some of whom should know better.

Some lessons learned by experience:

First, dont be in a rush to make a substitute motion.

I think it is important to actually discuss a motion before suggesting a substitute. Often, the discussion will help clarify exactly how best to accomplish the change one wants to make.

Second, dont be in a rush to Call the Question.

I know how easy it is to tire of endless pro and con comments, but I have learned from experience people feel better about a decision, whatever it turns out to be, if they have had the opportunity to have their say. Sometimes, its the last person to speak who has been thinking the longest, and may have the crucial insight.

Finally, dont take yourself too seriously.

Our committee was able to get past some of the tense times because the moderator gave us permission to laugh not explicitly, but by laughing at himself, and allowing us to find the humor in our own anxiety.

In the end, our Committees recommendations wont please everyone; Im sure the Mid Council Commission thinks we blinked when faced with their exciting new future of experiments and bold initiatives; a few presbyteries are going to be annoyed we recommended their boundaries change to accommodate their requests to move churches from one to another; I understand even members of the Committee are planning to submit a Minority Report. As for me, I can attest that we did our work decently and in order, and that our deliberations were fair and thorough. It is up to the Holy Spirit, working through the Plenary Sessions, to make of it what is needed for our church.

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